Mara Brock Akil introduces Michele Weaver and Will Catlett and discusses creating the show 'Love Is' inspired by her love life, as well as the possibility of a 'Girlfriends' movie and more.
- Mara’s career
- Explains the premise of 'Love Is'
- Explaining your life in a TV show
- Keeping the marriage together
- Choosing Michele and Will for the roles
- Michele and Will did you have to study for your roles
- What episode was the most difficult to write
- What episode/scene did you relate to the most
- Pressure on Michele and Will
- Lying to survive
- Men more sensitive than women
- How Will and Michelle got into acting
- How soon do you show someone your real you while dating - give up your real perception
- 'Girlfriends'
- Execs being culturally clueless
- Kelsey Grammar EPing the show