Brett Netzer Released By Red Sox After Hateful Tweets: 'I Am A Racist'

Donkey Of The Day For Monday February 28th aka the Last Day Of Black History Month goes out to Baseball player Brett Netzer who was released by The Red Sox after some very hateful tweets where he even said he was racist. Today we're talking racism, homophobia and anti-semitism on the final day of Black History Month.

You have to be a really sick person to hate someone for who they sleep with, what the color of their skin in or because of what religion they are. Brett was a minor league baseball player for the Boston records, an opportunity that many would kill for, and Brett just threw it all away. On Friday night Brett unprovokingly went on an online rant tweeting homophobic, racist, and anti Semitic tweets and admitting to being a racist.

Check out the full Donkey of the Day above!

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